Want to be a proud Partner of My Life My Power?
My Life My Power is an organization dedicated to helping kids and teens get the resources they need to become better citizens in their schools and communities. Our team is always looking for companies, businesses, and corporate sponsors to help support our efforts in bringing both awareness and a school program that impacts the lives of our youth. To learn more about how you can help and become a sponsor, please email us at staff@mylifemypower.org.
My Life My Power is proud to announce our partnership with GiveSurance! GiveSurance is an Insurance Broker that is made up of top-tier professionals that are committed to donating 30% of their commission income directly to My Life My Power, so that we can make the biggest impact to change more lives!
The great thing, is that it is FREE to sign up and in less than 90 seconds, you will be on your way to saving money on your insurance and donating to the My Life My Power – at the same time! Every year, a significant amount of your insurance payments go to commissions and advertising expenses… you see it every day in the media – insurance companies trying to win your business by spending money on ads. To learn more about My Life My Power’s GiveSurance opportunity for you and your family, visit: http://givesurance.org/MLMP

Friends of Safe Schools United States of America (FOSSUSA)
In 2013, My Life My Power partnered with FOSSUSA so that together, we could make the biggest impact in our schools and after-school programs across the United States! FOSSUSA (Friends of Safe Schools United States of America, is a 501(c)3 public charity committed to improving safety in and around schools. Their approach is to improve safety through communication, awareness, and by participating in programs that inspire positive behavior, cooperative relationships, and a safer school environment!
California State Fraternal Order of Police
In 2011, the California State Fraternal Order of Police voted in the My Life My Power Prorgram to be one of their youth programs utilized by their officers. Participating officers would be trained as My Life My Power mentors to work with the children and teenagers in their surrounding community! The Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 325,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges. We are the voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities. We are committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those we serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation. No one knows the dangers and the difficulties faced by today’s police officers better than another officer, and no one knows police officers better than the FOP. For more information about the California State FOP, please visit: www.cafop.org
Los Angeles School Police Association
The Los Angeles School Police Association (LASPA) is the Union for the Los Angeles School Police Department, which is the largest independent school police department in the United States, with over 350 sworn police officers, 126 non-sworn school safety officers (SSO), and 34 civilian support staff dedicated to serving the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). In 2012, LASPA recognized My Life My Power as being one of our proud supports for the efforts that we have made in the Los Angeles Unified School District. They identified our program as being one that educates our youth in a positive and proactive way while also helping to address school safety by having a mission of providing law enforcement officials, parents, school staff and students with information, guidance, and assistance to ensure school safety and the mitigation of harmful school environment issues such as bullying, violence, and drug and alcohol abuse. In turn, and alongside LASPA, My Life My Power helps individuals achieve healthy school wide behavioral skills and practices. For more information about LASPA, please visit: http://www.laspoa.com/

Community Loans Cares
Beginning in October 2012, My Life My Power has partnered with Community Loans Cares in order to be able to provide the MLMP Program to the youth in various communities around the Nation. Through this partnership, Daniel Puder has been provided with the opportunity to work directly in schools and after-school programs to make a lasting difference in cities throughout Texas, beginning with Dallas and Houston.
National Police Activities League (PAL)
In October of 2012, My Life My Power received an endorsement from the National Association of Police Athletic/Activities League (National PAL). Through this partnership, My Life My Power and National PAL are able to work together to help kids specifically in the areas of goal setting, mentoring, leadership, and character building. National PAL supports the efforts of My Life My Power and encourages each and every one of their chapters across the Nation, to strongly consider working with Daniel Puder and the My Life My Power program to make a difference in the lives of youth in their communities. The National Police Athletics/Activities Leagues, Inc. exists to prevent juvenile crime and violence by providing civic, athletic, recreational and educational opportunities and resources to PAL Chapters. Just as what My Life My Power believes about our youth, if they are reached early enough, young people can develop strong positive attitudes towards police officers in their journey through life toward the goal of maturity and good citizenship. The PAL program brings youth under the supervision and positive influence of a law enforcement agency and expands public awareness about the role of a police officer and the reinforcement of the responsible values and attitudes instilled in young people by their parents. Through our partnership with PAL on a National level, their officers are able to use the My Life My Power program as a tool and resource to become a mentor to young people, and ultimately change not only the lives of the youth themselves, but also change the entire community! National PAL personally thanked My Life My Power for assisting in spreading the message that “there is an alternative to bullying and other negative behaviors” by making several personal appearances, at no cost to National PAL, to speak to youth and adults in Florida, California, Ohio and other states. Daniel Puder is also a strong supporter of the mission of National PAL and assists in spreading the “PAL Message” throughout the country as he and his dedicated team participate in speaking engagements for other programs and organizations to emphasis his “anti-bullying” and youth development message. Daniel Puder and the My Life My Power program will serve our youth with the highest integrity and passion to the best of their abilities and help PAL youth realize their potential for success. For more information about National PAL, please visit: http://www.nationalpal.org/
President’s Challenge program of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition
As of December 2012, My Life My Power has partnered with the United States President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, in which every student that goes through our program will receive aPresidential Active Lifestyle Award. Through this partnership, the goal is to improve the physical activity and fitness levels of our youth. Within the MLMP program, students are provided with a daily planner in which they are encouraged to keep track of their daily and weekly goals, water intake, food and eating habits, and exercise. Upon the student’s completion of the first 6 weeks of the MLMP program, they will become eligible to receive an award featuring a signature from the President of the United States. For more information about the President’s Challenge, please visit: https://www.presidentschallenge.org/
Today I Can Do Anything
Today I Can Do Anything (TICDA) is a fashion / athletic apparel and accessory company specializing in spreading a positive and inspirational movement that makes people feel good about life. “Today I Can Do Anything” is a very positive statement, repeating it and wearing it makes you feel very energetic and will engage you to excel. TICDA inspires and motivates others when they see it on you, you will reflect positive energy that everyone will feed off. Today I Can Do Anything will constantly remind you that you can do anything and achieve your goal. In 2011, My Life My Power and Today I Can Do Anything parented together to bring their positive and inspirational message to the youth that the My Life My Power Program serves! Together, they are changing lives around the country with their joint message of encouraging children, teenagers, parents, school staff, community members, and many more, about the ability that everyone has within themselves to be who they want to be and strive for acheiving anything that they set their hearts and minds to! For more information about Today I Can Do Anything, please visit: http://www.todayicandoanything.com/