Our Team

Our Leadership


Daniel Puder


Daniel Puder is a former Undefeated MMA Fighter, WWE’s $1mil Tough Enough Champion, Deputy Sheriff and Founder of MLMP. He is a Co-Founder and serves as the President of MLMPI Prep Academy. Daniel is also the Founder of My Life My Power and Co-Founder of My Life My Brand. He is also an author, professional speaker and an advocate for public education and he believes that his purpose in life is to inspire youth of all ages to lead significant and purpose driven lives. He travels around the world training and providing law enforcement and educators with the tools and resources needed to be effective mentors in their communities.

Jennifer S. Kramer, M.Ed.

Superintendent & Co-Founder

Jennifer S. Kramer M.Ed. has been an educator for over 23 years and has served as an Assistant Principal, development officer, athletic director, teacher, coach, and educational lobbyist. Currently, Jennifer is a Co-Founder and serves as the Superintendent of My Life My Power International (MLMPI) Prep Academy.  Jennifer has also developed Social Emotional Learning (SEL) educational and drug prevention programming for grades 1-12 in various disciplines. For the past four years, Jennifer has participated in the National Educator Summit & National Mentorship Summit in Washington DC to discuss the importance of SEL Curriculum in the United States. Lastly, Jennifer is the Operations Coordinator for the Atlanta Carolinas-High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (AC-HIDTA) and Office Of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) project in which MLMP is providing their GPS for SUCCESS program and training to communities, schools, law enforcement and educators in over 16 states.

Michael Williams

Community Outreach & Co-Founder

Michael A. Williams, is a Juvenile Justice Consultant, Business Owner, Adjunct Instructor, Youth Mentor and Life Coach.  Williams became active in local youth programs and from there began a career in Juvenile Justice, serving as Facility Superintendent, Director and finally Regional Representative for Detention and Commitment agencies. He was an adjunct professor for Nova Southeastern University, in which he taught the GPS for Life Course.

Our Core Team


Brittney Sharpe

Chief Branding Officer

Edward Davis

Chief Marketing Officer

Dr. Jamie Manburg

Regional Superintendent

Dr. Ronnie Hunter

Regional Superintendent

Julia Yacoub

Human Resources

Xio Florencio

Executive Assistant
to Daniel Puder

Emilee Grazulewicz

Executive Assistant
to Jennifer Kramer

Support Team


Kristen Fraser

Assistant Superintendent- Academics 

Alex Cazanas

Director of Specialized Services, Foster Care

Leandra Sanchez

Executive Assistant

Dalinda Castillo-Landa

Billing Director

Jannia Fernandez

Assistant Superintendent/Interim Director of the Support Services

Angela Escobar

Truancy Director 

Jen Ortiz

Recruiting Director

Kasey Duarte

Compliance Director

Lily L. Gonzalez

Director of Training & Process Development

Latoya McCray

Director of Voc. Rehab

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